This lounge was created in Blender, inspired by the show Supernatural, with close attention to detail to recreate one of the show’s iconic settings. The goal was to capture the atmosphere and layout as accurately as possible.
Modeled in Blender, inspired by Supernatural, with attention to detail to recreate the show’s iconic setting.
Modeled in Blender, inspired by Supernatural, with attention to detail to recreate the show’s iconic setting.
Modeled in Blender, inspired by Supernatural, with attention to detail to recreate the show’s iconic setting.
Modeled in Blender, inspired by Supernatural, with attention to detail to recreate the show’s iconic setting.
Modeled in Blender, inspired by Supernatural, with attention to detail to recreate the show’s iconic setting.
Modeled in Blender, inspired by Supernatural, with attention to detail to recreate the show’s iconic setting.